Monday, November 23, 2009

Texas Transformation in Progress

We just wrapped up a powerful and inspiring All-Day Immersion in Dallas, Texas.

Check out the Fox News story about our Arlington, TX Baptiste affiliate studio, The Yoga Project, which aired on Friday night. It captures the simple yet powerful approach to life transformation that is happening in Texas and around the globe through Baptiste Power Yoga.

The Dallas Immersion program was unique in that 7 Baptiste affiliate owners were on the assisting team, and of the 300 participants over 50% were from our affiliate studios. The energy of this day left us all with a palpable sense of what's stirring in the Baptiste community, and what we are taking out into the world!

Watch the footage here:
Baptiste Power Yoga on Fox News

Friday, November 6, 2009

You are ready right NOW

We all have patterns that keep us from experiencing the really juicy, life-changing opportunities that come up in our lives. We tell everyone around us that we will do or have "it " (whatever that challenge or opportunity might be) once we have accomplished A, B, C or D. Once we've completed A-D, we come up with new stories about how we're still not good enough. We never really go for the gold.

When your stories or excuses do their best to stop you from doing what scares you, remember that you have a choice. Those whispering voices that tell you "I can't; I'm too old: I'm not smart enough, etc" are not you. They're just roadblocks that keep you from experiencing the real you. Once you can really see that, you'll still have your blocks, but they'll no longer have you. Take a little time every day to separate who you are from who you are not.

There's something else I want you to know. This opportunity didn't trip and fall at your feet randomly. You are not reading these words by accident. You are here because the time is right. You are already whole, complete & perfect. You are ready right now. Get to it!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Can I Give Up?

This is a question that I like to explore with participants at all of my bootcamps & teacher trainings. Why? Because answering this question for yourself is actually one of the biggest existing secrets to greater health. That's mental AND physical health. If you trim the "emotional fat" from your life your body will respond just as surely as your brain does. I see it all the time, both in my own life, and in the lives of the people who come to train with me from across the globe.

I also see, all the time, people who are living their lives with the lights out. They are trapped in their own dead energy until somehow, somewhere, they decide to give up that thing, that thought, that inexplicable roadblock that prevents them from knowing that all they have to do is flip a switch. When they finally do, when they finally give "it" up, whatever "it" may be, life and light flood back in. They are instantly shifted into a new space of colorful, joyful vitality. And it really is just like flipping a switch - the change happens in an instant.

So, I ask YOU now: What can YOU give up to be more authentic in your life? What can you give up to be clearer in your life? What can you give up that will allow you to show up, right NOW? What can you give up?

Whatever it is that has a grip on you, that nasty thing or thought, you give that up. Give it up. Go ahead and flip the switch. I guarantee you'll get to see more of the good stuff when the light comes flooding in.